Senin, 27 Desember 2010

[FCE] For, Since, During, Yet, Etc. - Part 1

since and for

We use since to indicate a starting-point:
They haven’t met since the wedding. (= since + noun phrase)
A lot has happened to me since I last wrote to you. (= since + clause)

We can use It’s a long time, two weeks, etc. + since + Past Simple to focus on the period:
It’s ages since I saw Eva.

We use for to say how long something lasts:
I’m tired. We’ve been walking for four hours.
I haven’t seen Eva for ages.
I’ve have been living in London since four weeks.
I’ve been living in London for four weeks.


We use over/during to indicate the period of time in which something happens or develops:
Over/During the last eighteen months there have been three tax increases.

Compare the use of since:
Since the middle of last year (= the starting-point) there have been three tax increases.

from… to/until/till

We use from… to/until/till to indicate when something starts and ends - from one point in time to another:
Diner is from eight o’clock to ten o’clock.
I waited from ten till two.

We can use from… without to/until/till if we do not say when something ends:
I was training from ten o’clock.

from and since

Compare from and since:
The minister was there from ten o’clock. (= he came at ten o’clock)
They’ve been here since ten o’clock. (= they’re still here)

for and during

For answers the question ‘how long?’. We use with time expressions to talk about actions last the whole of the period of time.
He was with the company for forty years.
1958 ________________________________________ 1998
                          His time with the company

We use during + that week, your stay, the match, etc, when one action happened inside a period of time:
During that year he rose from deputy manager to managing director.

Here are some typical phrases we use with for and during:
for two hours/a whole week/a long time/a couple of days/a minute or so
during office hours/the day/the full ninety minutes/the twentieth century/the interval

during or while?

During is a preposition. We use it before a noun (phrase). We never use during with a clause.
We didn’t see anybody during the holidays.
While is a conjunction. We use it with a clause:
We didn’t see anybody while we were on holiday.
During I was at home, a salesman called.
While I was at home, a salesman called.       
Source: Richard Side and Guy Wellman - Grammar & Vocabulary for First Certificate

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